I’m that person. I get upset about cars and plants blocking sidewalks. A year ago I did a post on the walkability of communities using my neighborhood as an example. After notifying 311 (city help) about a couple of repeat offenders, they stopped parking across the sidewalk.
Now there are new cars and the problem hasn’t improved much.

I decided to make a flyer I could put on windshields. In England, I saw a traffic sign start with “Polite Notice” and that’s always stuck with me. I think these drivers deserve the benefit of the doubt of not knowing this is a problem.
I’ve yet to put any on windshields. Making the flyer was mostly a way to deal with my frustration. Lately, I get anxious during my morning walks and I wanted to “do” something. I enjoyed the creative outlet.
As I noted in my previous sidewalks post, directly confronting the driver of a car blocking the sidewalk did not go well. On a related note, I had a really unpleasant incident earlier this year where a guy had locked his dog in a car, in the sun, and I called him out on it. He and his girlfriend got upset with me, started shouting—that’s when I decided to let the police deal with things from now on.